Effective Ways to Use Affirmations

Effective Ways to Use Affirmations

Following are some great proven ways to incorporate Affirmations into your life. Use any or all of them in any combination desired. They all work as long as you use them, and use them on a consistent, daily basis. 

Effective Ways to Use Affirmations

Pick your favorites and read them aloud – when you first wake up and again before you go to sleep. Read them slowly and deliberately and with 100% focus on the words.

Effective Ways to Use Affirmations

Write out your favorite affirmations and tape them to your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, behind your kitchen sink. Place them wherever you will see them during the day – and whenever you see one of the notes take a moment and repeat the affirmation to yourself – allowing the words to really sink into your Soul. 

Effective Ways to Use Affirmations
Get out your favorite recording software and make a recording of your favorite affirmations, and then replay it 2-4 times a day (or as many times as you like). The key to making all these techniques work is consistency and repetition. The more you hear and see the affirmations the more real they become.